Money Matters are a big deal in Islam, spending money wisely in order to earn rewards by spending the right away. Learn throughout the Qur’an how to earn & spend money. We are supposed to spend money on every aspect of our life whether it’s upon ourselves, our family, our relatives or our parents and even the weakest member of the society, the person who’s traveling and also how to manage the money while doing business, how to invest in businesses and how not to invest in a business and what can bring barakah(blessings) in our life. Barakah is a blessing that increases your money even a penny can be multiplied 700times or more and that can give you continuous reward even after you’re gone.
Allah(SWT) wants you to spend your money not hold the money not just keep the money in your wallets and bank accounts and make them grow. Money is supposed to be circulated, enhancing the economy.
Where do you spend the money and how much you should spend the money?
The money comes from Allah(SWT), it doesn’t come from your own paycheque. When Allah(SWT) gives you money, He gives you through the tools that He has created, the money that you have is given to you by certain tools & resources e.g Your own personal earnings or maybe your father is the bread earner in the family/rental property/spouse who is earning the money or some inheritance money in your bank a/c. “Money comes from Allah(SWT)” this means that the money belongs to Allah(SWT) your role is that you’re the temporary possessor/owner of that money. This money was handed to you for a limited time period and Allah(SWT) gave you the choice of how much to spend and where to spend. When people think that the money that I have is mine they spend freely on themselves. When a person has this concept clear that the money comes from Allah(SWT) & I’ll have to answer Allah where did I spend then he gets worried about where should I spend my money and how much should I spend then he becomes a smart spender.
When you spend money on yourself that is required, needed then it’s fine Alhamdulillah!! but when you spend on yourself more than what’s needed that’s where the problem is Why? Because the money you spend for yourself for worldly reasons it’s gone but the money that you spend for Allah(SWT) whether it’s to build the masjid, to spend your money in Da’wah material that can really bring benefit to the ummah.When you spend money with a mindset that I want it to grow and deposited in the bank of Allah(SWT) that’s where the mindset changes.
If you spend money in the way of Allah(SWT)- then your example is like the seed grows into so many things. It’s multiplied & yields the crop so many seeds. If every Muslim in the world internalize this ayah & act upon it, Do you think there would be any poverty left? No. In this ayah, Allah(SWT) is giving the example of those who spend in the way of Allah(SWT). We learn that Allah(SWT) is saying “Spend” where it’s beneficial to the creation of Allah(SWT), Spend where it can yield the crop that is more valuable than spending on one thing or the other. E.g. If you get 1000dollars for the whole month in your paycheque, out of those 1000dollars you’re supposed to take what is needed and the necessity for your life, some money in your deposit a/c, some money in savings a/c, some money for the spending of that month and the rest goes for the approval of Allah(SWT).
What does that mean to spend in the way of Allah(SWT) for the pleasure/approval of Allah(SWT)?

If you spend on anyone, the intention has to be for Allah. E.g. If you spend on your family, let’s say “If you buy a gift for your sister or your friend” Why should you buy it? Buy it for the sake of Allah and Allah will give you a reward for it. What can we do to spend for the Deen of Allah(SWT) for the success, development, establishment, propagation of the Deen? We can create websites that teach Qur’an, fight against false information that people are spreading, new design pamphlets, information written in such a way that is more accessible to them, spending through social media, state of the art supporting material that can support the deen in any way possible. Spending brings you joy when a person’s mindset is according to this ayah.
What’s the reward of spending in the way of Allah(SWT)?
It’s like a seed of a grain that grows 7 spikes, even 7 spikes are 70. Imagine each spike has a 100 grain so 1*7*100=700. Is 700 the maximum reward you get for one penny? No, And Allah multiplies His reward for whom He wills. He could be unlimited, it could give you an infinite amount. Why? Because Allah(SWT) is Al-Was’ee this is why Allah says “Allah is All-Encompassing & Knowing”
An analogy that Allah(SWT) is rgiving in The Qur’an– We need to understand how important it is to spend in the way of Allah(SWT), you’re only one seed now imagine you’re already gone from this world but you spend yourself, your time, your skills in the way of Allah(SWT). Imagine if Allah(SWT) accepts everything from you and Allah says “You plant one seed of knowledge in someone’s heart you are not there but you are a seed turned into his heart” He took this information and made a course out of it. He moved elsewhere, opened up a school. He used your knowledge and made it a part of the curriculum. This is what 1times 100equals 700 or more than 700. Put yourself in a dry land & you’re the seed who puts eeman in the hearts of the people.
Conclusion- You are valuable, you are the seed. You have to plant the seeds in the hearts of others where you live. Make du’a “O Allah! Make me seed where I can grow into farmland” Know the value of your time, your age, your health that you have because younger you are stronger the seed is and better the yield.